A co-worker of mine randomly sent me an invitation to this charity event that was being held at the old John Wanamaker building at 13th and Chestnut in the Crystal Tea Room. It was called Savor! and was sponsored by Mainline magazine so I assumed that it would be somewhat fancy and upscale and I was right.
I invited my three trusty girlfriends, Miss HAtT (who you already know), Magz, and Miss A to accompany me in what I had hoped would be a bonanza of free food and drinkie drink. The event started at 6PM and we all promptly arrived on time (which rarely ever happens with this group) but somehow we managed it on this particular night. Let me just say that I'm so glad we had the foresight to be on time. The event was absolutely fabulous. Better than most ticketed "tasting" events that I have attended. But it was pretty packed by 8PM. Food was easier for the getting in the early hours.
I had pan fried dumplings from Yang Ming, yummy seared tuna from an upscale Italian restaurant that I cannot remember the name, beautiful mini cupcakes, savory seafood gumbo from Les Bon Temps and creamy corn seafood chowder from another restaurant. The list could go on and on. The sponsors of the event had a wonderful turn out.
Most of all, I loved the fact that Barefoot Vineyards had a booth and was serving not only their regular table wine that can be purchased at the state store but also their champagne. I had no idea that Barefoot even offered bubbly. But the representative told me that it had been around for a while but just not available in Pennsylvania. Damn PA and their archaic liquor laws. No worries...the Barefoot bubbly is now available in the state stores and should retail for around $10. Now I think that is a bargain for some yummy bubbly. A fun night of free food and drink all in the name of charity.
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