Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year! 2010

With minimum shenanigans compared with the previous year, I celebrated the end of 2009 with some of my closest friends and family and kissed it a big fat goodbye. I was happy to see it go even though I had some great times. Visiting my family in Australia was no doubt a once in a lifetime experience but looking back at the year as a whole, I can definitively say it wasn't all fun and games.

I'm looking forward to seeing how 2010 turns out. It's almost like that new kid in class that you keep checking out from the corner of your eye. I'm finally beginning to feel comfortable in my own skin, doing my own thing and just being happy being me. I know it's cliche to say this but I somehow lost myself when I was eyeball deep in my last relationship. I became a person that couldn't recognize, didn't like and couldn't relate to. After the break up it was difficult to find my way back to the person that I knew I was but had somehow lost in the midst of being a "good" girlfriend. I tried so hard to be something that I wasn't in that relationship that it made me resentful of him, of us, of everything as much as I loved him and wanted it to work, I hated who I had become and just wanted out as much for me as for him. So no more looking back and no more thinking about the what ifs. I'm letting it all go and hoping that all the ups and downs of 2009 has made me a better person. With all that said in the words of Joey from FRIENDS, "Hello 2010. How r you doing?"

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